My girls and I like to pick up leaves, seeds and bird feathers
whenever we're outdoors and so we've 'created' a tree
to display all these little treasures we've gathered from
our autumn walks. We're calling this our Autumn Tree.
We've had a lot of fun decorating it (it was Markie's
brilliant idea to use those mini wooden pegs) and we keep
brilliant idea to use those mini wooden pegs) and we keep
adding more things to it everyday, some with glitter,
some without. Yesterday Markie came back from Nanny
and GrandDad's with 'special' leaves. I was told they
were oak tree leaves. We've put them up there together
with some horse chestnuts (minus seeds) that we collected
some without. Yesterday Markie came back from Nanny
and GrandDad's with 'special' leaves. I was told they
were oak tree leaves. We've put them up there together
with some horse chestnuts (minus seeds) that we collected
while walking around the botanical gardens
last Wednesday.
last Wednesday.
We really like our tree and I'm now thinking we should
have one every year. From collecting our decorations
to hanging them up it's all been good fun. It's our
autumnal project, something to keep us crafty and busy
at half term. It's also our little way to celebrate the lovely
things about this season. It's simple and easy and
doesn't cost a thing. And after all, trees aren't just for
Christmas, so yes, we'll now do this every year.
Hooray for autumn!
have one every year. From collecting our decorations
to hanging them up it's all been good fun. It's our
autumnal project, something to keep us crafty and busy
at half term. It's also our little way to celebrate the lovely
things about this season. It's simple and easy and
doesn't cost a thing. And after all, trees aren't just for
Christmas, so yes, we'll now do this every year.
Hooray for autumn!