Thursday, 5 November 2015

Late Half-term Report

So here we are in November and it's Bonfire Night. I hope you're 
having a great time if you're doing anything Bonfire Night related 
this evening. The girls and I watched fireworks from their bedroom
window earlier. It was pretty exciting but we're definitely happy to
just spectate. It's been raining all day and it's also quite cold and
foggy. Certainly glad to be warm, dry and cosy indoors tonight.

Half term is done and dusted now and we're back to our usual
 school day routines. The school break, all eleven days of it, had
 been really good. We all feel rested and better for it.

 We mostly stayed at home and pottered about doing this and that.
The girls did a lot of drawing, colouring, cutting and gluing and I did
 a lot of tidying up everyday. There was also a fair bit of arguing and
 'she did this, she did that' but on the whole they played well together which was nice.

I worked on my blanket throughout the week and crocheted a little
flower for Lulu's new cardigan. We also made a fox head mount
 (from a kit), baked and went out for walks when it wasn't raining.

Crochet in the autumn sunshine- yay!

On a lovely, sunny morning when my husband was off work, we 
all went to the botanical gardens and had a brilliant time just
walking around and seeing all the colours on the trees and finding
flowers that are still in bloom. And of course we had to see Mr. Bear. 
A visit here is never complete without going to the old bear pit and
saying hello to the resident bear. I love the plants and trees but for
the girls the bear is always their favourite thing in the gardens.

The highlight of the whole half term - for them and for us - was their
sleepover at Nanny and Granddad's. They got to stay up much later
and watch all of Strictly while us two had a lovely night in as well,
also with Strictly and some lovely grown up food (wine and steak)
plus Spectre at the cinema the next day. We didn't mind not doing
anything for Halloween. It might be less scary for the girls next year.
Maybe they might be lured by the prospect of getting lots of sweets
with trick or treating. Maybe. It's really not their thing at the moment.

I think the fireworks are still going, Bonfire Night is still on!
Hope you've had a good one.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. It looks like you had a lovely break, Marion. I love that last photo of the girls. Your crochet is really pretty and Lulu's writing is looking so good. I hope you had a fun Bonfire Night!

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely week over half term :). It was really wet for bonfire night here, we decided to stay at home rather than watching fireworks in the pouring rain!

  3. Sounds like a great half term! Lots of good things to do. xx

  4. Ah, a night away from the kids! Wonderful. We nearly had that until Angus got cold feet at the last minute. Oh well, never mind. I think your half term sounds just perfect. x

  5. My husband is from Sheffield,I think your blog is beautiful,love the crochet,is that a shell pattern.x

  6. What a lovely half term you had. Getting out for some fresh air and exercise when you could and enjoying lots of activities indoors as well.
    And some grown up tie too, bonus!
    Lisa x
