Sunday, 30 November 2014

November Days

It's been mostly cold, dark and wet this November. Every week
 one or two of us had been sick so it hasn't been a great month
 for us health wise. We've spent a lot of days at home, keeping warm,
 nursing colds, achey heads and tummies. But it's still been good.
We've had lots of family time and we've enjoyed many lovely,
simple things together. I'm thankful for these. They are the things
 I'd like to remember as we say goodbye to this November and
welcome in December. Today's the beginning of Advent too,
that beautiful time of excitement and anticipation before Christmas.
We hope for good health, warmth and happiness in the festive days
 and weeks ahead and time to spend and enjoy with friends
and family.

So bye, November and hello December -
we are welcoming you with open arms!


  1. Your collages are really lovely, full of good things that are worth celebrating. I too have found November to be quite a wet, grey month and am hoping for more dry, sunny days in December. I can but dream... x

  2. I love your collages for a monthly recap! Such a neat idea...and the SWEETS! YUM! I love seeing others' reflections on each month as it passes. I have so little time these days to really sit and reflect because I am in a constant state of "Go". I really enjoy seeing people take the time for it :-)

  3. A great way to look back at November and forward to December! I hope that you will have a great month ahead. xx

  4. Here's to a great December and all the excitement that comes before Christmas! xx

  5. Fabulous collage. You've made a grey month full of colour! xx
